Sičáŋǧu hemáčha.
I am an enrolled member of the Sičáŋǧu Lakótapi (Rosebud Sioux Tribe). I grew up on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.
I received a bachelor’s degree in Theatre/Communication from Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin. I received a Master’s degree in Communication from the University of Washington, Seattle - The Native Voice Indigenous Documentary Film Program. I worked for six years as the Academic Coordinator for the American Indian Studies Interdepartmental Program at UCLA before starting doctoral work. As staff at UCLA, I informally supported numerous student support programs and created a Native American Staff Association. As a graduate student representative, I have served as a student rep for various departmental committees. [Image taken by Shalene Joseph]
Academic CV
My experience spans various disciplines, with a focus on American Indian/Indigenous studies. I have taught pop culture, film, religion, Federal Indian policy, American Indian histories, and art/activism courses. My research interests include Lakota ontology, Indigenous feminisms, Indigenous representation, visual anthropology, digital/new media, community-based participatory research, and autoethnography. [Self Image].
Celebrating Ella Deloria
Look What SHE Did! is producing a formidable archive of short videos celebrating crazy-great women as told to us by… crazy-great women. Check out their website: www.lookwhatshedid.com.